Chairman's Message

M.M.Tripathi   Managing Director & Chairman

Dear Student/ Parents

The education commission of 1964-65 adequately defines the important role of schools in building of modern India. “The destiny of India is now being shaped in her classrooms. On the quality number of persons coming out our schools will depend our success in the great enterprise of national reconstruction.”

It is my delightful privilege to introduce you to the inside and outside world of KPS, the mirror of our deeds and dreams through this almanac, the growth statics of our school in respect of enrolment, facilities, responsibilities & achievements.

The school has come a long way from 89 students in 1993 to the present on roll figure of about 10,000. KPS is now on its way to respond to the National Call, by imparting, Man-Making, Character-Building and Nation-Building education for all.

With the addition of residential boarding, both for boys and girls, we are trying to reach out to many. We provide a congenial, competitive, encouraging and compatible Bhilai an atmosphere. Motivation, Value-Idealization, attitudinal Change, Patience and Modesty are the arms and ammunitions to be used to defend materialism, violence, dishonesty, corruption and idleness. Along with my Patrons, Directors, Board Members, Teaching and Non-teaching Staff, I once again thank all who have entrusted us with the great job of Citizen Building for tomorrow.